Courage Outside the Comfort Zone

When I was six years old, I was chosen to be the flower girl in our neighbor’s wedding. The job came with a stunning white gown that mimicked the bride’s dress—complete with white lace and a hoop skirt that made me feel like a princess. I was even invited to the bridal shower and got to serve punch to all the pretty ladies who were there to celebrate the upcoming nuptials. Until the day of the wedding, I hadn’t realized that the role of flower girl also involved a walk down the aisle filled with stares from over a hundred strangers as I made my way to the front of the church. This was not clear to me at the rehearsal when all the pews were empty! So when the big day came, I slowly made it to my spot up front next to the bridesmaids and bit my lip the entire time as I struggled to hold back tears. Thankfully, the ceremony was short and I quickly headed to the back of the church where I greeted my mother and father with a tearful outburst that had been bottled up for what seemed like an eternity, but in reality was probably about 30 minutes. Aww, the comfort I felt when my mom swept me up in her arms and took me away from the crowd into the empty sanctuary where she consoled me. Being by my mom’s side would be my comfort zone for many years to come.

It’s hard to believe that I remember so much about that experience from when I was six years old, but that frightening emotion of being out of my comfort zone was so powerful that I will never forget it. It is a feeling I am all too familiar with and creeps up on me every time I am stepping into something unfamiliar that God is calling me to do. Sometimes it paralyzes me and I want to quit before I even take a step forward. But soon I realize that my reluctance prevents me from completing my divine assignment. So, instead of cowering in my comfy corner, I say “yes” and put all my trust in Him. Then He takes my hand, opens door after door, and leads me into a life that is eternally focused and made rich with purpose.

How often does stepping out of your comfort zone stop you from making your next move? How many times do you retreat missing out on what God is calling you to do? We can all fall prey to the enemy’s whisper that convinces us we are unworthy, unequipped, and unable. But we serve a God who is worthy, who equips the called, and who is able to provide us with all we need to fulfill His purpose in our lives. I encourage you to connect with God by engaging in His word and He will show you the way out of your comfort zone and into a more meaningful life.

Deuteronomy 31:8
“The Lord himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged.”

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